In this fast-paced world, embracing sustainability is crucial for the well-being of our planet. The Tres makeup kit is a game-changer that not only allows for artistic self-expression but also contributes to a greener and more sustainable future. With its gender-neutral approach, it aims to break free from traditional beauty norms and embrace inclusivity for all.
Group members: Doris Tao, Yiyuan Tang, Lucy Lue
Term Project
Duration: 14 weeks
Tool: Solidworks, Keyshot, Adobe Illustrator, Procreate,
Adobe Photoshop, Prototype making, Adobe Premiere
Year: 2022
Award: Denhart Sustainability Scholarship 1st prize


A lot of products become waste evern before they are used up
Recycables, compostable, and landfill waste all go to the same source
In 2018, in the U.S. alone, almost 7.9 billion units of rigid plastic were created just for beauty and personal care products.

Benchmark Brand
Maybelline New York

Maybelline New York SWOT Analysis
Benchmark Brand
Wide product range
Product quality
Innovative product display
The shift in consumer behavior
Increase in the number of working women
Negative Publicity
Weak website
Chemicals in makeup

Benchmark Brand
Essentials from Maybelline New York
3 problems: unsustainable materials, co-mingled parts, unnecessary volume

Lipstick, foundation, eyeshadow, brow pencil, mascara, eyeliner

User 1 Creates a Personalized Combination
Green Edition
Products that are part of this edition claim to be
1. Contain a minimum of 70% natural-origin ingredients
2. Packaging includes a mix of new and recycled materials
3. Vegan formulas
4. Clean formula free of some ingredients customers wish to avoid
5. Cradle to cradle certified
But actually are:
1. rarely recycled after using
2. made with commingled parts that made recycling difficult
3. not significantly different with normal products

foundation, mascara, lipstick
Survey Results

Don't know how to use at the beginning
The packaging looks cheap
Not easy to clean it up
The color of the package needs to pay more attention
Not portable
Easy to broke
Details are not handled well
Volume too much
Not human-centered design
No follow-up consideration after use
Advantages that can be adopted
Instruction Labels
lightweight and easy to carry
Designing outside the box
Research on users' usage habits and body structure
Suitable for beginner
The main pain points

Scope and Functional Unit
Overall functional unit: ~1 year of enhancing your apperance with application
*Based on expiration date
The entire process of the lifecycle for eyeshadow, foundation, mascara, lipstick, eyeliner, and eyebrow pencil excluding the cosmetics (referred as formula in later analysis) and glue (from eyeshadow and brow pencil).

Okala BOM Analysis
Okala BOM Analysis
0.9720 Eye Shadow
0.2139 Vinyl Lipstick
0.1295 Foundation
0.0737 Mascara
0.0556 Eyeliner
0.0537 Brow Pencil

0.2497 Average
1.4983 Sum
Sustainable Minds Report Analysis
Top impact categories
Makeup palette and Foundation unsurprisingly has the highest scores
Global warming
Fossil Fuel Depletion
Vinyl lipstick and Eyeliner has the lowest scores

Report for
Collosal Masara


User-Centric Affordability
Reducing Carcinogens
Energy Reduction
Cradle to Cradle
Extend End of Life
Educate Users and Increase Social Media Visability
First Round Sketches

Second Round Sketches

Third Round Sketches

Try hovering the mouse
very(usually with reference to a fashionable quality)

Our Innovation
Every color option of each product comes in three different sizes of pans so users have full freedom to arrange the products to fit into trays. This way, products are highly customizable and refillable.
Configurations Example

Try hovering the mouse

Tech Pack

Building Community

Product Take Back

User Touch Points

User Screens


User-Centric Affordability
Reducing Carcinogens
Affordable and replaceable
1. Intuitive for consumers
2. Improve ergonomics
3. Indicate procedures
4. Customizable
5. Modularity
Reducing the amount of Carcinogens
1. Replace petroleum-based materials with other renewable or easier-to-recycle materials.
2. Minimize the volume of the products.
Energy Reduction
Reduce the energy overall
1. during manufacturing
2. Increase efficiency of transportation and storage.
Cradle to Cradle
Extend End of Life
Increased Visibility
Increase the sustainability of materials used in the container for each product.
1. Reduce the number of mixed materials
2. No screen printing/foil printing
3. Ability to take apart product if there are different materials included
The end of life for makeup is usually landfill because of the mixed materials and carcinogens and is limited to an year.
1. Allow for multiple uses
2. Refillability, use durable materials for the outer shell
3. Recyclable or decomposable
Marketing campaign centered around the biodegradability of products.
1. A marketing campaign.
2. Educating users about the significance of sustainable products
3. Make more people aware of the need to protect the environment education part on package
Impact Comparison
1 year of scope

in a fast, consumer oriented society, the best way to enlarge impact is to make it fashionable.
The New Beauty Trend
We are not satisfied with a changing a single product, we want to make impact.
We look forward to changing the whole make up industry in two ways:
1: making everything reusable, stronger durability, higher refillability, and customizability.
2: Leading a less or none plastic, no commingled materials aesthetic trend.
Stakeholder Map

Before and After